I find myself wondering a lot about my music career. I have many books on the Music Business and all it's inner workings. I study them, I ponder them and yet I still don't really know what direction I'm going in. I have always felt I was running out of time and I've always been in a hurry to get to some imaginary point of success.
Am I really out of time?
When you turn 30 in the music business, it's like all of the sudden you aren't pretty enough, not established enough, not famous enough, not accomplished enough and just all round not good enough to work with. It's really sad that I have been struggling with other music professionals (producers, record companies, scouts, etc)reguarding my age since I was 25. Does this seem bizarre to anyone else? Especially since I really didn't get started until I was 23. Yet, I see the oldest, ugliest male musicians still out there "making it" while really talented females are looked over simply because they are over the dreaded "30" mark. I haven't changed much since my 20's. I'm still thin, cute, my boobs are even still perky! The things that have changed, are improvements as far as I am concerned. I feel like my songwriting has come miles from where I started, I'm a far better guitar player, and I have my own studio equipment and am proficient at using it.
Here's the kicker! As many times as you hear that the music business is all about age and appearance (apparently more so for women), I never really believe it. The optimistic side of me wants to believe that my talents and hard work will pay off. Even as I'm writing this blog, I'm not thinking I will give up, but that I will have a renewed ferver to continue on my way. I don't know what direction I will pursue? Whether it be as an artist, a engineer/producer, a publishing and licensing company, etc... I can't ever see myself not writing and singing my own music. It's a piece of my soul. It's more "me" than any other part of my life. I'd rather keep it close and suffer the disapointment and failure than give it up and lose what is uniquely mine.
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