I went to see "Julie and Julia" last night. It's a story about a 30 year old woman who has a dead end job and doesn't like where she lives and decides to go through Julia Childs' cookbook in one year and blog about it.
I absolutely adored this movie!
I saw so much of myself in the character Julie. I think a lot of us feel the same feelings of inadequacy, failure and disappointment many times in our life. It's part of the human condition to want more, to want to become accomplished and successful, to want to feel like what we have to offer is worth while. Julie spent a year of her life working on her cooking blog. It didn't pay her anything yet she continued even when it became terribly hard to do. Eventually she did receive the recognition she wanted.
It made me think a lot about why I do what I do. I continue to work on my music because I hope one day I will be noticed and appreciated for what I have to offer this world through my talents. I'm not saying I'm hoping to become a famous "Rock Star" and make millions. However, a nice living would be ideal... I'm saying I want validation, I think that's what we all want. To be appreciated for what we do no matter what it is. I've had to change the way I view success over the past several years. My goal has been to try to appreciate just being able to create music and not get so wrapped up in making money and reaching some imaginary success point.
It's a strange thought process when you think about it. When you are unsuccessful you need to just be happy to be able to do it for free, until you become successful then you have to be glad that you persevered through all the years of hardcore nothingness and vindicated by your new found success. So..... I will be proud of what I'm doing until I am successful, then I will be proud of my accomplishments and glad to be out of the worthless nothing years when I was a complete and utter failure. That is an oxymoron if I ever heard one!
That's just too complicated to me. I think I will just keep on creating music because I feel like it. Not because I see success down the road, feel obligated to further my talents, or am afraid I will always just be an average human being. I will continue simply because I CAN!!!
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